Mond uh Novemba' 2000:
Novemba' 1, 2000 - Bosque de Chapultapec.
Co' got d' beat!
Novemba' 2, 2000 - Amanda Littlef'.
Novemba' 3, 2000 - Can Mountain wuz completed
today and some funny sayin's wuz blurted out. Man! "I rememba' when [dey]
finished da damn fust wall, [dey] looked at it all amazed." | "I saw de
doodad growin' eva' since farm started, ah' neva' dought [dey] would finish.
Lop some boogie." | "Whut happened t'de oda' kid who used t'put kins in
dere?" | "Whose locka' is dat?" | "Fat. Man!" (Inaccuracy probable)
Novemba' 4, 2000 - Witness neighbo' rage
when two uh yo' neighbo's 'shange insults and dreats on yo' propuh'ty.
Slap mah fro!
Novemba' 5, 2000 - "Shut down Sunil" -
Darren, who finally voices his opinion afta' I voiced many, many jokes
about him. WORD! ah' am proud uh yo' new found pride.
Novemba' 6, 2000 - "Geometrically, at
some critical point where ƒ'(p) = 0, de line tangent t'de graph uh ƒ at
p be ho'izontal." - Calculus Scribblin', p. Jes hang loose, brud. 245.
Novemba' 7, 2000 - Mah' Biology head homeboy
took it downon himself t'sleep durin' class today. Slap mah fro!
Novemba' 8, 2000 - While ah' wuz peein'
today, some fat bug bit me. Eh, relaxashun t'pain. 'S coo', bro.
Novemba' 9, 2000 - Mr. Ah be baaad...
Ferin'a visits de joke page now, so cut me some slack, Jack.
Novemba' 10, 2000 - Makin' de Past Present,
dig dis: Long, long ago when dis histo'ic page started, an agreement wuz
set fo'd t'make sho' man dis page wuz significantly different fum Misled
Johnny's journal/website. In de agreement, some few points wuz emphasized.
Fo' one, he said dat da damn jokes should not be longa' dan some few sentences.
De second point wuz dat ah' had t'make sho' man dat ah' dun didn't tell
about nuthin dat happened durin' de day o' emphasize an 'espuh'ience. On
de dird, and last point, he quoted, "and make fun uh darren everyday. Slap
mah fro!" Of course ah' had t'agree wid dis, o' ya' wouldn't gots seen
dis joke. Ironically, ah' broke all dree points in dis joke.
Novemba' 11, 2000 - Today be not "Veteran's
Day" as all de hype says it is. It be actually de 11d installment uh Bonza
Bottla' Day. Slap mah fro! Veteran's Day be plum some fancy dojigger dey
cut to it. Man! wid no mo' endless chatter, ah' wish ya' all some Happy
Bonza Bottla' Day! Right on!
Novemba' 12, 2000 - Bonza Fattla' Day.
Slap mah fro!
Novemba' 13, 2000 - John's aunt says it
best, "Fat be as fat duz."
Novemba' 14, 2000 - Toilet sheet rolls
spontaneously hit me durin' 7d puh'iod nowadays.
Novemba' 15, 2000 - A substitute head
homeboy wid some sudden urge t'tell jokes wuz takin' de place uh Mr. Ah
be baaad... Barnes today. Slap mah fro! De joke wuz as follows, dig dis:
Some honkyfool be drivin' waaay down some fat freeway and tries t'dodge
some rabbit on de road. Well, he duzn't and it dies. Some oda' fatso behind
him stop and sprays de wasted rabbit. Man! Soon enough dis rabbit twitches,
and finally digs down. De animal also starts t'wave back at da damn man
and da damn honky chick when he wuz able t'walk. Ya' know? De man, curious
uh de resurrecshun, grabs de spray away fum de lady t'see whut it wuz.
De bottle eyeball, "Fro Spray, dig dis: Brin's wasted fros back t' life.
Adds puh'manent wave." Homonym-fat. Man!
Novemba' 16, 2000 - De one time Darren
be ax'ed t'read some chapta' in Beowulf, he eyeballs de wrong chapter.
Ah be baaad...
Novemba' 17, 2000 - "He be big build,"
Grandmoder, describin' Darren. 'S coo', bro.
Novemba' 18, 2000 - Mr. Ah be baaad...
Barnes, mah' Wo'ld Histo'y/Geography head homeboy, discussed procedures
fo' some potential lockwaaay down. He said dat if one wuz t'happen, we
would turn off de lights, group our desks togeder, and hide behind dem.
WORD! If dudes wid machine guns bolted into de room, de dudes of de class
would gots'ta battle dem wid whuteva' dey gots: chairs, desks, pencils,
etc. Co' got d' beat! Barnes quotes, "Heck, I'd even pick down Sunil and
use him as some weapon! Right on!"
Novemba' 19, 2000 - While drivin' down
t'a Burga' Kin' Roll-Dru window, wear some halloween max' and stare at
some stashunary object. Man!
Novemba' 20, 2000 - Durin' some walk drough
some deserted hospital hallway, some plastic fo'k, one dat wuz seekin'
shelta' on de ground, caught mah' eye. Dis wuz not any old fo'k, but some
fo'k wid some honky substance caressin' it. Man!
Novemba' 21, 2000 - As ah' wuz lookin'
drough mah' Fantasy Ball League fo'um, ah' noticed dat dere wuz only one
post. Man! De post eyeball, "hi mah' dojigger be wallace hall andf ah'
am gay. Slap mah fro!"
Novemba' 22, 2000 - Ramadan eats durin'
daylight cuz' 7 8 9.
Novemba' 23, 2000 - On Danksgivin' Day,
stop at some Roll-Dru line fo' McDonalds cuz' ya' see five o' so's cars
waitin' ahaid uh ya'. When ya' dig down t'de rapa' to o'der, notice dat
no one raps t'ya'. Den decide t'pull down t'de window and look inside t'find
out no one be wo'kin'. Also look back at all de fatties waitin' in line
t'get food fum McDonalds, closed.
Novemba' 24, 2000 - Walk-In Medical Centa'
= Oxymo'on. 'S coo', bro.
Novemba' 25, 2000 - Always rememba' [insert
dojigger here], ya' is unique, plum likes everyone else.
Novemba' 26, 2000 - re|dun|dant (ri dun'dent),
Novemba' 27, 2000 - Fat fum hogs be rendered
fo' lard.
Novemba' 28, 2000 - Female Darren = Lo'i
Ciufo (Dis may require some facescribblin', commonly called some yearscribblin').
Novemba' 29, 2000 - Today, while ah' wuz
in Biology class, some message wuz announced upside de intercom. WORD!
De message wuz sump'n likes dis, "Togeda' we kin accomplish everydin',
dat be de motto fo' our farm dis year. Ah be baaad... Fat. Man!" (Inaccuracy
in repo'tin')
Novemba' 30, 2000 - "I wuz hangin' some
mad problem and mah' answa' came out t'be (2 \/¯x) / (2 \/¯y).
ah' dun did not kincel out da damn 2's cuz' I's gots'ta be fat. Man! Who
am I?"