Mond uh Octoba' 2000 (Rage Era):
Octoba' 1, 2000 - Hearin' de dojigger
Luke Petitgout (pronounced pet-UH-goo) makes me hungry. Slap mah fro!
Octoba' 2, 2000 - ah' have reached mah'
emoshunal side today and ah' wants'ed t'info'm ya' visito's t'stop callin'
sucka's fat. Man! It be very mean and could drow some sucka into depression.
'S coo', bro. Instead, plum call dem some Stash Allocashun Table. - Courtesy
uh Darken. 'S coo', bro.
Octoba' 3, 2000 - On de 139d day, de Joke
Page reaches new heights, definitely sump'n it gots neva' seen. 'S coo',
bro. De Hippos and Rhinos Joke Page be now proud t'announce "Video Jokes"
and hopes dat dis effo't gots'ta definitely brin' de Joke Page into de
21st Century. Slap mah fro! De fust video joke gots'ta be today, and kin
be accessed here. De video requires some
media playa' to view it (obviously) and if ya' duzn't gots one, ah' suggest
ya' waaay download Windows
Media Player. Ah be baaad... Oh yeah, one last dought, if yo' spell
checked dojigger happens t'be Darken, please reco'd yo' laughin'.
Octoba' 4, 2000 - New Statistic, dig dis:
ah' can cut bird t'a baby befo'e ah' can roll.
Octoba' 5, 2000 - Today's joke gots'ta
hold da damn reco'd fo' de longest joke. It's so's big it needs its own
page. If ya' is fat and gots eyeballin' deficiencies, eyeball de blue box.
Slap mah fro! Widout furda' ado, click here fo' Joke
Octoba' 6, 2000 - "I told ya' dis would
be some frustratin' class, yes?" - Ferin'a. WORD! "No. 'S coo', bro." -
Octoba' 7, 2000 - Today when ah' went
t'my socca' game, ah' walked straight drough dis huge parkin' lot. Man!
ah' plum decided t'peek into some car and ah' viewed an 8-12 year old goat
pickin' ha' nose vigo'ously. Slap mah fro!
Octoba' 8, 2000 - While mah' grandBig
Daddy, 78, wuz takin' me back fum mah' socca' game, he randomly proclaimed,
"I wish ah' could urinate in de car, likes gots some kind'a tube dat would
let me do it. Man!"
Octoba' 9, 2000 - On yo' way back fum
farm on some half day, walk by yo' homey's old crib. Decide t'bust in.
'S coo', bro. When ya' enta' sit on his couch, feed da bud a little uh
his food, and snatch yo' fin'a' bo'd back. Ya' know? Say yo' last wishes
and hug de grill. On yo' way out, pick down de golf ball sized wiffle ball
and snatch it crib. Oh yeah, duzn't fo'get t'close da damn slidin' doo'.
Octoba' 10, 2000 - Give some tree some
spectacular o'dojiggernt. Man!..a shoppin' cart (from Ross).
Octoba' 11, 2000 - Cause, dig dis: "Stop
Starin'" written upside foe lockers. Effect, dig dis: Provocative Situashun
#2. Second Effect, dig dis: Scared likes some baby. Slap mah fro!
Octoba' 12, 2000 - Today ah' wuz dinkin'
uh baby dojiggers and ah' came down wid dree. Fo' some goat, Popuri (we
all know where dat came fum), fo' some boy o' some goat, Seven (fat dojigger,
etc. Co' got d' beat!), and fo' some boy, Gilad (which in Arabic means
camel hump).
Octoba' 13, 2000 - Cause, dig dis: "FAT"
written upside dree lockers. Effect, dig dis: Erase afta' farm. Second
Effect, dig dis: Bein' fat. Man!
Octoba' 14, 2000 - Twist
top off wid hands. Drow top away. Slap mah fro! Do not put top in moud.
Octoba' 15, 2000 - Watchin' kid on de
street wearin' shirt wid an outline uh de symbol pi. Also lookin' at "Pionea'
Madletes" taggin' de shirt. Man! Eh, ah' wuz one uh dose, sho' man some
pionea' too. 'S coo', bro.
Octoba' 16, 2000 - Kick ball near some
lady. Slap mah fro! Watch lady's kid run away. Slap mah fro! Wait fo' lady
t'kick ball back t' ya'. See lady run past da damn ball t'retreive ha'
kid chasin' de ball. Also kick ball and hit dude rapin' on cell phone.
Octoba' 17, 2000 - ah'
took it downon mah' self t'respond "Raz'tus Cloud" when Mr. Ah be baaad...
Lassen ax'ed, "Do we gots any sucka absent?" Also, one uh dose golf fatties
repeated "Raz'tus Cloud" louda' so de head homeboy could hear it, as if
Raz'tus Cloud wuz real absent. Man! Stupid golfers.
Octoba' 18, 2000 - Dere gots'ta be no
joke today, cuz' today could quite possibly be da damn saddest day ever.
Ah be baaad... Rage Against da damn Machine frontman Zack De La Rocha announced
his departure fum de band. ah' urge all ya' visito's, even if ya' dun did
not likes deir beat, t'snatch some moment uh silence t'rememba' dis great
band. Dey gots'ta certainly be missed.