De eva' so famous Greg Young.
As he be de one dat gots'ta guide ya'
drough dis convoluted mess.

Joke o' Stupid Dought uh de Day

Insight on Issues

(Beat,CDs, Rage, etc. Co' got d' beat!)

(De Drum Info'mashun Center)

Pictures From Various Locashuns

De Autobiography uh Mah'self

(Mah' Sound Stashs and Info'mashun)

Links t'Oda' Pachydermic Websites

Greg Young's Plump Guestscribblin'

De Fo'um fo' de Hippos and Rhinos

Mond uh Septemba' 2000:

  • Septemba' 1, 2000 - Desert Lane, Desert Flower, Desert Trumpet, eh, "De Subject. Man!" 
  • Septemba' 2, 2000 - Dim be takin' some college level course. 
  • Septemba' 3, 2000 - Bayoneted dimble joker wid irrevocable rage. 
  • Septemba' 4, 2000 - Look at me, I'm above ya'! Right on! - Dim's dad. 
  • Septemba' 5, 2000 - De Garna' side part. Man! 
  • Septemba' 6, 2000 - ah' wonda' whut Payam looks likes when he rolls some car. Ah be baaad... 
  • Septemba' 7, 2000 - Shout obscenities at sucka's 4.2 times yo' size. 
  • Septemba' 8, 2000 - Fatt Klin'. 
  • Septemba' 9, 2000 - Smashed cherry pie on de handle uh De Subject's next puh'iod head homeboy's doo'. Laugh in yo' next puh'iod and even gots char dirtyMan; join in on de laughin'. 
  • Septemba' 10, 2000 - Enlarge baby pictures t'create optical illusion in puh'spective. 
  • Septemba' 11, 2000 - Show some sucka' deir baby picture when dey sit da damn same way fo' 16  years. Den stick de sheet on de handle uh De Subject's next puh'iod head homeboy's doo'. Duzn't laugh too hard dis time, cuz' ya' dun didn't see da damn results. 
  • Septemba' 12, 2000 - Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide eats food. 
  • Septemba' 13, 2000 - Darren 170 wid kickers on, 171 wid kickers off. 
  • Septemba' 14, 2000 - Sometimes it makes me wonda' how ah' keep fum goin' under. Ah be  baaad.....ha hah ha hah. Lop some boogie. 
  • Septemba' 15, 2000 - While travelin' drough de town uh Guadalupe, watch out fo' runnin' dogs, sucka's, shacks, etc. Co' got d' beat! 
  • Septemba' 16, 2000 - Push hands away fum keybo'd when rapin' t'fat sucka's (can wo'k bod ways). 
  • Septemba' 17, 2000 - Go t'a supa fine lookin' Chinese restaurant wid yo' homey. Tip upside his/her/him tea and sneeze likes an elephant. Man! 
  • Septemba' 18, 2000 - Civilizashuns dissolved plum likes fat duz in de sun. 'S coo', bro. - Wo'ld Histo'y/Geography Video. 'S coo', bro. 
  • Septemba' 19, 2000 - Flagellated materials spontaneously combustin' on blue po'ch lights. 
  • Septemba' 20, 2000 - Do ya' dig mo'e unintelligent as time goes on? - Fridge. 
  • Septemba' 21, 2000 - Visit Can Mountain by yo'self, not even wid de previous owna' of de locker. Ah be baaad... Stare at Can Mountain in amazement and when some sucka ax's ya' whose locka' it is, respond "Fat," close da damn locker, lock it, and leave. 
  • Septemba' 22, 2000 - Sunil, ah' audit farms......and da damn city uh Yuma. WORD! - Jason. 'S coo', bro. 
  • Septemba' 23, 2000 - Use Sylvesta' fo' yo' Vice Super-dude campaign speech. Lop some boogie. 
  • Septemba' 24, 2000 - Jamie Kin' be 110% honky. 
  • Septemba' 25, 2000 - Raz'tus Garna' cuts his fro along wid de oda' dree Jo(h)ns in de class. A'cuz uh his frocut, Garna' is now knode as Baby Garna' from de famous Fat Fighta' 2, Alpha 28 (MP edishun). 
  • Septemba' 26, 2000 - Round haided kid in Calculus raps about his height. Man! Round haid kid measho' mans himself wid Brett, who sits next doo'. "Ha, youse sho't Brett, youse probably sho'ta' dan everyone." Den about 2 minutes later, round haid kid says, "Youse probably talla' dan Raz'tus Cloud." 
  • Septemba' 27, 2000 - Get Can Mountain into yearscribblin', but instead uh sayin' "Fat" when de quesshun "Whose locka' is dis?" be drown at ya', say "Our fat, yet deceased homey, Misled Johnny Cloud, started dis whole mess in his back po'ch, befo'e transferrin' it t'his locker. Ah be baaad... He became fat and got wasted uh a heart attack. Ya' know?" 
  • Septemba' 28, 2000 - Rap about some sucka befo'e farm t'a homey uh yo's. Notice dat da damn sucka' youse rapin' trash about be not around. Also notice dat two minutes later, he be sittin' next t'ya'. 
  • Septemba' 29, 2000 - Drum in Clunker Honky codemin' class afta' ya' is done wid yo' test. Man! Afta' ya' start drummin', observe da damn sucka' sittin' next t'ya' (who in dis case would be Raz'tus Garner). Notice dat he starts air guitarin' and makin' grunge guitar noises. Den listen whut he gots'ta say. Slap mah fro! *Flip ID card around showin' some sticka' on de back* "Ain't dat da damn waaay coo'est guitar ya''ve eva' seen?" he ax's. Respond wid "No. 'S coo', bro." 
  • Septemba' 30, 2000 - Enta' an Indian grocery sto'e wid intenshuns uh stealin' de various foods dey gots'ta offer. Ah be baaad... Befo'e ya' leave, notice some sign dat says "Gots ah' fo'gotsten nuthin? Coffee? Tea? Snacks? Rap rod card?"
