or Teachers That Impress Religion Upon You - I have a problem with
this because I am agnostic, and many religious people can't handle
I'm fine with any religion person that wants to teach me about their
In fact, I love learning about different cultures. But I hate
someone tries to force me to believe one way. I just wish that at
some point in time those people realize that I can careless about their
views, because I'm not going to suddenly believe in a faith after
their schpiel. Speaking about random schpiel, for Finissage, I am
going to add a little bit to the countdown by briefly describing an
in which I experienced the thing listed on the countdown.
- A time that I distinctly
remembered this bothered
me was during Freshman year when some random kid started talking about
how he thought that looking around the world was enough for him to
the world was created by God. "I couldn't imagine something this
intricate just spontaneously generating," he said. I told him
I just couldn't comprehend a superpower that was not perceivable to me
to just exist and zap things into being. For some reason, he
not handle my agnosticism, so he tried to lecture me on why I should be
Christian and why what I am thinking is not leading me to Heaven.
I bit my thumb at him and never saw him again.
of Courses Offered - I didn't care about this until I noticed that
all my friends at other schools are taking cool classes. For some
reason, Mountain Pointe has the worst selection of classes in the
district. The obvious counterpoint to this is the fact that even
if we had the neat classes, we wouldn't be able to take them because we
only have six classes a year. That's why I'll add that on to this
one, so it's a double complaint.
- My friends at Corona told me
few years ago
that they had Calculus 3-4, and I was disappointed to find out that
Pointe did not offer that. It's neat that we do now,
Later in my high school life, I noticed that McClintock and Desert
have real teachers teaching Computer Programming, and so they have high
level and specialized versions of that class. The courses that I
wanted at Mountain Pointe the most were more honors ones. I don't
like being in a regular class, and other schools have many honors
such as another honors free enterprise that isn't Economics. Even
though I wouldn't take Honors American Studies, it's still a neat idea.
That Didn't Wear IDs During Passing Periods - The whole point of
IDs was to make sure that people that were not supposed to be on this
weren't. Therefore, not wearing IDs during the passing periods
incredibly stupid. In fact, there really is much less of a point
to wear them during class, because your teacher knows that you're
to be in there. See, I don't know why some people didn't
if you're going to wear your ID, you should do it during the passing
because that'd when intruders can easily slip in. Maybe the
didn't do a great job in explaining what IDs were for, but I really
that it was obvious. Security.
- There isn't one easy example
this. Too
many people did it.
The Inability
of the Yearbook Team to not Have False Quotes - Well, I'd think
if they were the yearbook team, they would do their best to try and
a great ending to a school year. And you know, they do a pretty
job, except for the fact that most of the people are just flat out
I see it in every single yearbook and all over the place: false quotes,
incorrect ideas, etc. I know that the yearbook mentor is an
person, but that doesn't freakin' mean you don't have to do your
The yearbook is something that people treasure for years and years
so get your freakin' work done! The yearbook team has all year to
relax, but when it comes to getting something done that shouldn't be
hard, it's as if they can't do it anymore because it is actual work and
they didn't sign up for that. I still have faith in some people
the yearbook team... thanks Cameron.
- As I said before, it happens
every yearbook.
There is always some stupid quote by someone. I have been quoted
before, and I don't ever remember saying it, especially because it
something I would say. I don't really care that they decided to
me incorrectly, but I care that they quotes me because they needed
to fit or they wouldn't get their job complete by the deadline. I
guess it just really bothers me that people take advantage of the fact
that they can goof off in yearbook. That's freakin' fine with me
if they get their damn job done.
Display of Affection - There are some people here that love
person so much that they cannot hide it. That's completely
It's just absolutely disgusting when I'm walking into my next class and
I have to watch some girl stick her tongue into some guys mouth,
they are standing next to the doorway. Shit guys, there's a time
and a place for such acts. And it's funny, the time is not
7 AM and 3 PM and the place isn't the school.
- It happens a lot because
are a lot of people
that have boyfriends or girlfriends and are also very "open" about
I especially don't like it when people do it and block hallways or do
in front of a classroom that I'm trying to get into. I wish they
could just save it for when they are by themselves, because I really
who wants to see vigorous smooching.
Honor Society - There was a time that I wanted to join this
club, but now I have only one thing I want to put on my future NHS
form: How much I dislike it and why. The fact that NHS decided to
accept pretty much all of the liars of the Scandal and turning away the
honest people is practically opposite of their values. One might
say "well how are they going to know if someone was dishonest or
Well, either they just don't accept anyone, or they take all of the
that received referrals in the Scandal because they know that they are
the honest people. And if they didn't know that they were the
people or if they didn't know anything about the Scandal except that it
was about cheating, they shouldn't even be judging the students
That's what it all comes down to, and the reason why NHS is now one big
joke, and I look forward to sending in my acceptance letter.
- This occurrence happened last
year when students
that received referrals for the Scandal tried to get into NHS.
person that had a referral from the Scandal was denied, and all for
reasons. It even seemed as if the reasons were just random
they couldn't think of a real reason to not accept us because they are
arrogant assholes. I've sure learned a lot from my referral, and
that's that some people can easily label you when you have something
that on your shoulders. I can't wait until I get to write about
Elections - I should be exercising my right to vote. And
I should, I do. But that doesn't mean that I am voting for the
running, unless I actually believe that the people running would do a
job. It just sucks that most people running are just popular
that get on my nerves most of the time. That's all the elections
are: a popularity contest. What is the school trying to teach us
as kids? Are they trying to get us ready for the biased polls of
the real world? There's just one thing though... there isn't a
way to pick leaders except to vote. It's just that the whole idea
of class elections is so corrupt that it is almost a joke. And
of the conflict that comes from that crap... gosh it's so dumb.
- Class Elections only really
started to get on
my nerves after Freshman year when factions would dominate. It's
as if we're developing political parties in this school of ours.
The most annoying part of elections are the speeches. I cannot
how much the people lie on them. "Blah blah... I'll do my best to
get this and this started and some other nonsense..." It's funny,
they don't get much accomplished at all. It's also funny because
all the speeches are basically the same. "You should vote for me,
because I'd do the best and I'm qualified for the job." Eh,
The Security
Guards - If there is an organization of funny-looking people that
attitudes, then this is them. The security guards at our school
like robots; they don't even care about what a student has to say back
to them. I know that some times, the student is an idiot and
have anything important to say, but a lot of times, they are just being
asses because they think they are all big and bad. I don't see
there is to feel superior about, because they are security guards at a
high school. I really wonder what education they must have picked
- There are many instances in
I have had
a hard time with the security guards. One time was when I was
with my friend to get something out of his truck, when a security guard
told us we're not allowed to do such a thing during lunchtime and that
he was being a nice guy and letting us do it. I also dislike that
attitude: acting as if they are being nice. The reason I dislike
that is because they are really not being nice at all; they are just
that they have power over you. Another stupid thing that the
guards do is when you're walking upstairs with food they tell you to go
down. What, do they actually think we're just carrying it
so we can eat it right in front of them? They should just use
freakin' common sense. If we have it upstairs, we're obviously
to take it downstairs to eat it, because no one eats upstairs.
I just cannot believe how pompous those security guards are. It's
very amazing how stupid-looking and idiotic they are, too.
The Administration
- So much to say and just about no real place to start. The
at our school has this really good way of making you feel wronged, even
if you know you didn't do anything really bad. They also act
friendly to you even though they are evil inside. I really do
that they would stop being fake, because it annoys me that they think
I feel they are nice. The truth is, I have grown to absolutely
the Administration and I would really wish that they would just leave
alone and stop lying to me.
- The first time I really
talked to
the Administration
was when the Scandal erupted and I was questioned about the whole
At this time, I was fine with them, because they were asking nice
and not being at all fake. As time went on, they told us that the
Scandal wouldn't really affect us at all in terms of prestigious clubs,
which turned out to be a lie, because we were kicked out of Renaissance
Club for a semester and not eligible for National Honor Society.
Later, they tried to justify the punishments that they were giving only
the honest students, and it was quite futile. Afterwards, when
hacking of the district server was going on, I was called up to be
and I couldn't help but telling them to leave me alone. I just
understand why they couldn't just stop asking me questions and calling
me to the office. My damn Internet deal was over, and they were
the big deal out of it. I mean, especially when there was nothing
wrong with it. I have really had enough with them, and I don't
want to talk to them anymore. I know they don't want me to be,
I know that they have strived hard to make me feel wronged, but I am
proud of what my friends and I created: the Scandal. And I hope
feel like idiots knowing that they panicked and took advantage of their