The ever so famous Greg Young.
As he is the one that will guide you
through this convoluted mess.

The New and Improved Blog

Joke or Stupid Thought of the Day

Picture of the Day

The Autobiography of Myself

Pictures From Various Locations

Sound Files and Information

Milestone Updates

Links to Other Pachydermic Websites

Greg Young's Plump Guestbook

The Board for the Hippos and Rhinos

This area can be used to get a laugh from or to vent your feelings at these soothing/disturbing pictures.  I did not make thumbnails because I am lazy, so if you want to look at the full sized picture, you're going to have to right-click it and select view image.  Please do not complain on this page, you lured your own self here.

Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

I received this picture of Bean Laden while talking to Vinay.

That is Vinay displaying himself on the body of IZ, a popular Hawaiian entertainer.  You can buy his CDs at Hilo Hatties.

Here, a picture of Sharat and his twin.  They look exactly the same, don't they?  Well, I guess that makes sense because Indians all look the same.

It looks like Superman is now a skater.  He will probably be really stupid sometimes and put stickers on dumpsters.

Just Racoon art again.  You know, this gets more stupid every time.

An ideal guitar.  How can you go wrong with a white rectangle-shaped guitar that has the fretboard and all other parts painted on?

Sometimes I really don't know where these random pictures on my computer come from.  What the hell is this?

Games nowadays just don't have that appeal that they used to.

Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

If you have any pictures that you want me to put up, email me at