The Almighty Fat Person
Who is the fattest person on
this planet?
(55 votes total)
Darren Takeshi Nakamura |
15 votes |
27% |
Gilbert Brown |
14 votes |
25% |
Misled Johnny Cloud |
5 votes |
9% |
Miss Kolstad |
4 votes |
7% |
Vinfat |
3 votes |
5% |
Kyle Gerlach, Gerz |
2 votes |
4% |
Kid who used to live next to
John |
2 votes |
4% |
Ricky Proehl |
2 votes |
4% |
Carl Berry |
2 votes |
4% |
Greg Puhlmeyer |
1 vote |
2% |
Mahboob Raj |
1 vote |
2% |
Some random cable stealer |
1 vote |
2% |
Tintin |
1 vote |
2% |
George W. Bush |
1 vote |
2% |
George H. W. Bush |
1 vote |
2% |
Darrel Fatberry |
0 votes |
0% |
Henry Ford |
0 votes |
0% |
Rick Pantera |
0 votes |
0% |
Big Jay-Z dude, Belshe |
0 votes |
0% |
Darren Nakamura's possessions |
0 votes |
0% |
Madeline Albright |
0 votes |
0% |
Mr. Adams |
0 votes |
0% |
Tommy Tutone |
0 votes |
0% |
The Internet |
0 votes |
0% |
Me |
Not on poll |
N/A |
In conclusion, Darren Takeshi
is the fattest person on this planet.